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Poultry Australia homepage

Poultry Australia

We're here to help Australian backyard poultry keepers hatch, raise and care for their flock.

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On our website, you'll find

  • Expert advice on a range of poultry-related topics including keeping chickens, incubating fertile eggs, and raising chicks.

  • Quality equipment including egg incubators, brooders, and automatic chicken coop doors.

  • Contacts for local and national breeders with fertile eggs for sale.

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Janoel Model 48 Egg Incubator

Time to upgrade your egg incubator?

Poultry Australia has been selling quality Janoel egg incubators for over 10 years. Explore the advantages of a new automatic Janoel egg incubator. 


View the Janoel egg incubator range

Large aluminium automatic chicken coop door

Have you considered adding an automatic door to your chicken coop?

A reliable automatic chicken coop door will let your hens out in the morning and ensure they’re protected from predators every night. 


View our automatic chicken coop door buyer's guide

Plymouth Rock chickens - Poultry Australia

Looking for information on keeping chickens?

Poultry Australia has over 100 articles on a wide range of topics including choosing the right breed, incubating fertile eggs, raising chicks, building your ideal chicken coop and keeping your flock healthy. 


View our full library of poultry-related articles

Popular articles

Keeping Chickens

Keeping Chickens

Poultry Australia's guide to the basics of keeping chickens.

Hatching Fertile Eggs

Hatching Fertile Eggs

Ever dreamed of hatching your own flock? This Poultry Australia guide makes it easy

Buying Live Poultry

Buying Live Poultry

Poultry Australia's guide to sourcing and buying live poultry.

Buying and Selling Fertile Eggs

Buying and Selling Fertile Eggs

The sale of eggs for incubation continues to rise is popularity across Australia. This Poultry Australia guide focuses on how to sell fertile eggs, as well as safely purchasing quality fertile eggs over the internet.

Raising Chicks

Raising Chicks

Poultry Australia's guide to raising chicks offers an easy to follow insight as to how to raise chicks from the hatch to maturity.

Candling Fertile Eggs

Candling Fertile Eggs

The Poultry Australia guide on how to correctly candle fertile eggs.

Breed Information

Breed Information

Thinking about some new additions to your flock? Poultry Australia offers a collection of breed profiles to help choose the right breed for your needs.

Poultry Healthcare

Poultry Healthcare

How healthy are your poultry? This guide is poultry Australia's collection of handy poultry healthcare tips.

All Poultry Information

All Poultry Information

Equipment recommended by Poultry Australia